If you’re considering adding mini-splits in Glendale, AZ, to your home, you’ll need to know the benefits and how to get the most out of your new system. Ductless mini-splits are an excellent option for AC due to their versatility and ease of installation. Homes that already have ducted HVAC systems may find some rooms need a little extra cooling to keep up with the summer heat.

Installing AC mini-splits is a great way to alleviate that issue. Homes that lack existing ducts may find mini-splits are a less intensive option for adding air conditioning. Rather than needing to create a system of ducts, mini-splits only need a very small hole drilled into the wall of the installation room. This makes them a good alternative to window AC units, providing the same level of cool air without the security risk of having an open window.

This option also provides the ability to set different temperatures in each room. If you have multiple bedrooms and each occupant has a different idea about the ideal temperature for sleeping, mini-split units give them climate control over their own space.